Category Archives: Scientific Articles / Articoli Scientifici

When anticancer Drugs treat the Macula

Chemotherapeutic agents do not always harm the retina. In certain cases, described here, there is even an improvement in the morphological condition of the macula: follow the interesting presentations on these occurrences. This video contains: 1. "Why specialists need to talk each others" by G.Grimaldi. 2. Case presentation by F.Menna 3. "When anticancer drugs treat…
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Radiotherapy of paraocular lesions: strategy

In this highly educational lecture, radiooncologist Dr. Letizia De Antonio explains the techniques developed to protect the eye in the case of paraocular radiation therapy. This video contains: 1. Introduction by Dr. F. Menna ( a case of a very aggressive spinalioma) 2. Presentation by Dr. De Antonio 3. Final Discussion
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